Tennis Elbow Treatment | Passaic County NJ Physical Therapy
Tennis elbow treatment involving active release technique and/or deep tissue laser therapy can be extremely rewarding. Tennis Elbow, lateral epicondylitis as it is scientifically known, is a common injury and one which can be extremely disappointing and painful to athletes. While originally associated with tennis players, hence the common terminology, the pain can also stem from other activities like cross training for example. The ailment or injury is a degenerative one, caused by repetitive motion. Treating tennis elbow through active release technique and deep tissue laser therapy can offer great relief and address this painful condition head-on. Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa offers non-surgical therapy to ease the pain associated with tennis elbow.
The active release technique for Tennis Elbow Treatment works well addressing the tight and/or inflamed muscles and tendons in the forearm and elbow related to tennis elbow. This technique is a state of the art massage technique that focuses on the soft tissue system and its movement. Our Passaic County massage therapists are well-versed in active release technique and implement it as part of therapy for patients experiencing pain related to tennis elbow.
Deep tissue laser therapy is another great Tennis Elbow Treatment offering a drug-free and surgery-free relief for the pain. The goal of this technique used as a form of physical therapy is to get the blood flowing in the areas of irritation. Many people see a decrease in pain within one visit, a welcome relief to those suffering the pain caused by tennis elbow. Deep tissue therapy in Passaic County is available through the experienced physical therapists of Elite Spine and Sports of Totowa.
Tennis players who over-train are prone to tennis elbow which signifies the importance of giving the elbow a break. This is not always easy, however, and high level athletes need to consider an all-encompassing training regime. Taking care of yourself is an important part of being an athlete. Let our physical therapists help evaluate your posture and muscular system to ensure that you are doing your entire body the justice it deserves.
Physical therapy is a great way to treat issues caused by overuse or repetitive motions. Addressing issues in a non-surgical way can be fruitful, eliminating pain and also helping prevent future pain. Come talk to the specialists at Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa today to learn more about our practice and how we are helping athletes all over Passaic County eliminate pain and perform better.
Contact Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa NJ offers an approach based on the functional model and the dynamic use of manual medicine into physical therapy and rehabilitation. We believe that optimal health and performance can be attained through proper stability by enabling correct function via mobility of joints and corresponding muscles.