Totowa NJ Acupuncture Treatment

Define Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a form of Eastern Medicine in practice for centuries to ease pain and other health issues. Acupuncture is considered an alternative therapy for a variety of problems. It is a type of therapy that treats pressure points on the skin by implementing precise, specially designed needles. At Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa qualified acupuncturists are trained in this treatment and practice it regularly for treating pain with Acupuncture in NJ.


What Benefit Can I Derive From Acupuncture?


Natural painkillers such as endorphins and other neurotransmitters are stimulated by the use of Acupuncture. These are thought to be much stronger than drugs. Treating pain with Acupuncture is often recommended, but this form of therapy is also used for various other conditions. Allergies, headaches, anxiety, depression, back pain, sciatica, insomnia and high blood pressure are some of the other conditions that can be treated with Acupuncture.


Relieving Pain Through Acupuncture at Elite Spine


Passaic County patients with pain often seek help with Acupuncture. At Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa our certified and experienced Acupuncturists treat patients regularly with this drug free technique. If you are in pain or discomfort and are ready to try Acupuncture to relieve it, give us a call at (862) 239-1768.