Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis | Passaic County NJ Physical Therapy

Passaic County physical therapy | lumbar spinal stenosis
Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa

Lumbar spinal stenosis can cause a narrowing of the spinal canal and pain and burning down the legs and flexion distraction therapy can be the answer to this discomfort. Physical therapy can provide non-surgical relief to this painful problem. The use of flexion distraction to open up the spinal canal and relieve pressure off of the spinal cord can ease the pain and eliminate the burning. Addressing lumbar spinal stenosis through physical therapy in Passaic County can improve your quality of life and get you back to living the active lifestyle you enjoy. Elite Spine and Sports care of Totowa has experienced chiropractic doctors on staff to address your spine issues and help you get back to a pain-free existence.

Lumbar spinal stenosis typically develops slowly over time and often represents with pain that comes and goes. The pain associated within spinal stenosis goes away with rest but unfortunately returns when you return to activity. Opening up the spinal chord or canal causes the relief you want but the moment you return to an upright posture the pain can return. Flexion distraction therapy can alleviate the pain.

Flexion distraction is a chiropractic technique with an eye on increasing the motion of the spine and helping with bulging discs as well as herniation. This form of physical therapy is gentle and helps with the pain as it takes the pressure off of the spinal nerves. This technique is a way to address the discomfort caused by lumbar spinal stenosis without undergoing surgery. While surgery could end up being necessary the use of flexion destruction therapy is a great alternative to try first.

Flexion distraction therapy uses a special table that moves in an automated and gentle motion, allowing the spine to flex in numerous ways. At the same time your chiropractor will implement some manual techniques to address specific disc herniation or bulging issues. This form of physical therapy is designed to put the bulge back in the spine while at the same time exercising the healthy vertebrae, keeping them well articulated.

The goal of flexion distraction therapy is to allow the spine to move correctly in a manner that will remove pressure from the disc bulge. It does this by creating a negative pressure that pulls the disc bulge back into the spine. The flexion distraction motion maintains healthy discs in addition to working on those that are compromised. The motion allows nutrients into the spinal disc and keeps them well articulated.

Make an appointment with your NJ physical therapist to learn more about physical therapy for lumbar spinal stenosis. Our chiropractors are well versed in flexion distraction therapy and look forward to describing the process and answering your questions. Let Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa serve as your guide to physical therapy in Passaic County New Jersey.

Contact Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa NJ offers an approach based on the functional model and the dynamic use of manual medicine into physical therapy and rehabilitation. We believe that optimal health and performance can be attained through proper stability by enabling correct function via mobility of joints and corresponding muscles.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Benefits of Passaic County Chiropractic Care | Passaic County NJ Chiropractor

Passaic County Chiropractic care | Passaic County NJ Chiropractor
Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa, Passaci County physical therapy

There are many benefits related to chiropractic care. Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa is focusing on sharing information with its clients and the greater Passaic County community about Passaic County Chiropractic Care. There are many studies showing that people benefit greatly from chiropractic care enabling healthier and happier aging populations while adding greatly to the health of athletes as well.

Passaic County Chiropractic care is focused on non-pharmacologic options to address chronic pain. The idea is to help you body defend itself and enable you to lean less heavily on painkillers, and possibly even eliminate them all together. Non-drug and non-surgical options to treat pain are high on the list for many and our staff is eager to help you achieve this goal. Chiropractic care is very much centered around the patient and his individualized health and wellness.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help YOU?

At Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa chiropractic care is designed to treat neuromusculoskeletal complaints, including those of back pain, neck pain, joint pain, and headaches. The process includes a patient examination, diagnosis, and treatment. While adjustments are most common our chiropractors are also trained to recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, as well as lifestyle modification.

Come visit Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa today. We welcome the opportunity to educate you on chiropractic care available in Passaic County and answer your questions about our techniques. Let our knowledge and experience serve as your guide to health and wellness as well as the benefits of chiropractic care.

Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa NJ offers an approach based on the functional model and the dynamic use of manual medicine into physical therapy and rehabilitation. We believe that optimal health and performance can be attained through proper stability by enabling correct function via mobility of joints and corresponding muscles.


Contact Us Today to Learn More

Acupuncture and Cupping to Treat Low Back Pain

Acupuncture and Cupping to Treat Low Back Pain

acupuncture and cupping
Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa, your source for physical therapy & acupuncture in Passaic County

Acupuncture and cupping are therapies used to treat chronic low back pain.  Low back pain causes great discomfort and difficulty to those plagued by it.  Any relief makes getting through the day easier.  While exercise and strengthening is helpful there are other options. Chiropractic care can be a great idea.  In addition acupuncture is a sought after technique for easing low back pain.  Totowa acupuncturists at Elite Spine and Sports Care implement both acupuncture and cupping to treat chronic low back pain.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an Chinese traditional medicinal method that uses needles to channel energy in the body.  This form of medicine is considered non-traditional and dates back more than 2,000 years.  Chinese medicine believes in energy patterns in the body.  This energy is called qi (“chee”) and keeping it flowing properly is the premise of acupuncture.  While non-traditional, this form of medicine has gained in both popularity and acceptance in recent decades.  As a result, acupuncture is now a proven solution to addressing lower back pain in many people with many conditions.  At Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa, our trained acupuncturists are knowledgeable about energy within the body.  As a result, their goal is to alleviate lower back pain through their acupuncture treatments.

What is cupping?

Cupping is a method of Chinese medicine used for the treatment of chronic, pain related conditions.  Cupping involves placing cups or jars on the skin.  These cups and jars are typically made of glass, bamboo, and plastic.  The purpose of the cups is to create a vacuum on the skin by sucking out the air. The effect of this is the pulling of tissue into the cup.  Furthermore this suctioning promotes circulation.  Because of this the end result is pain relief.  Cupping removes “heat” from an area in the body by pulling the toxins out that are present in the body tissue in the area of the cupping.

If you suffer from lower back pain you should enlist the services of Passaic County physical therapists, chiropractors, and acupuncturists at Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa.  Our educated, experienced, and knowledgeable staff can utilize their skills to address the cause of your chronic low back pain while providing treatment options that will address the pain at the same time.

 Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa NJ offers an approach based on the functional model and the dynamic use of manual medicine into physical therapy and rehabilitation. We believe that optimal health and performance can be attained through proper stability by enabling correct function via mobility of joints and corresponding muscles.

TMJ Disorder Leads to Other Issues

TMJ Disorder Can Lead to Other Issues

TMJ disorder therapy
Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa, physical therapy specialists

TMJ Disorder can lead to major issues and severe pains. These issues include neck pain, ear pain, and headaches.  Other side effects include locked jaw, difficulty opening a jaw, biting issues, and clicking/popping sounds when you bite. Treating TMJ is essential to avoid developing these issues or further problems. Your NJ physical therapist will be instrumental in evaluating your TMJ and addressing it head-on.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is in the jaw, offering a complex movement that includes both a hinge and a slide. The bones connected to the joint have cartilage and a shock absorbing disc between them. The cartilage and the disc are what keep the movement of the TMJ operating smoothly. When the cartilage or the disc are worn or out of place there can be issues. Likewise if the joint has received a blow, the TMJ can be out of whack or damaged. Regardless of what the damage is, when there is damage to the TMJ it can be annoying at best and extremely painful at worst.

Treatment for TMJ

TMJ Disorder can be treated with medicine to deal with the pain but addressing the pain and trying to get rid of it is a better plan of action. In extreme cases surgery is the answer. Before trying surgery, however, it is always best to try physical therapy. Physical therapy for TMJ can start with something as simple as heat and ice. Ultrasound is another productive form of physical therapy. Our Passaic County physical therapists will also offer exercises to stretch and strengthen jaw muscles.

Passaic County Physical Therapy

The experienced Totowa NJ physical therapists at Elite Spine and Sports Care employ the latest techniques to help with your TMJ pain. We will treat the TMJ pain outside the face to release specific muscles. TMJ pain has a deep connection with facial and neck muscles. As result the overuse of muscles compensating can cause referral pain and headaches. Totowa NJ physical therapy can be instrumental in determining the root cause of your TMJ Disorder and the treatment and physical therapy that will address it.

 Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa NJ offers an approach based on the functional model and the dynamic use of manual medicine into physical therapy and rehabilitation. We believe that optimal health and performance can be attained through proper stability by enabling correct function via mobility of joints and corresponding muscles.

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy | Elite Spine & Sports Care Of Totowa Physical Therapy

Massage Therapy | Elite Spine & Sports Care Of Totowa Physical Therapy

Massage therapy is a fantastic tool for both treatment and prevention of injuries.  Massage relaxes muscles, strengthens muscles, and improves circulation.  That is why we make massage therapy an integral part of Passaic County physical therapy services.  Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa has experienced massage therapists that can help your body recover by focusing on areas of concern.

Massage is known to many as an opportunity to relax, a luxury of sorts, yet for others massage therapy is a necessary element to physical therapy and overall well-being.  Passaic County massage therapists can address tired and overworked muscles that are acting up as a reaction to repetitive motion, poor posture, or excessive use.  Regardless of how you look at massage therapy it should be acknowledged that it can be helpful for both healthy bodies and those facing rehabilitation.  Rehabilitating an injury is a process and massage helps rehabilitation process by increasing a body’s flexibility and strength.

Passaic County massage therapists at Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa use their techniques to both exercise and stretch tight, weak, or atrophied muscles.  In working to alleviate pain improvements can be made with range of motion.  Massage has a great impact on promoting tissue regeneration, preparing bodies for athletic endeavors and offering a tool for recovery at the same time.  Relaxation is a welcome side effect, as is the release of the endorphins and amino acids that serve as a body’s natural painkiller.  Get in touch with Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa today and get your body on the road to muscular healing and injury prevention.

Contact Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa NJ offers an approach based on the functional model and the dynamic use of manual medicine into physical therapy and rehabilitation. We believe that optimal health and performance can be attained through proper stability by enabling correct function via mobility of joints and corresponding muscles.

Now Hiring Licensed Physical Therapist

Now Hiring Licensed Physical Therapist Passaic County NJ

Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa is a multidisciplinary outpatient physical therapy and chiropractic office.  We use a well rounded approach to patients including but not limited to, manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and modalities such as electric stimulation, ultrasound, deep tissue laser.  We treat a variety of patients in an outpatient setting from Pre and Post-operative procedures, sports injuries, orthopedic and neurologic disorders and general pain.

Outpatient physical therapy office located in Totowa, NJ Passaic County, looking for a full time licensed physical therapist in the state of NJ.

Competitive pay based on experience, new grads welcome, on the job training or mentorship program if necessary.

Hours: Monday through Thursday 9-7pm

(willing to be flexible with weekly hours to reach 40 or more hours if needed, must be able to work 9-7 on Tuesday and Thursday)

3 weeks paid time off!

Contact us for more information.

Hiring Licensed Physical Therapist

Sean Santagato, PT, DPT

Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa
351 Union Boulevard Totowa, NJ 07512
Tel: 862-239-1768    Fax: 862-239-1769
Gabriel Hannawi, DC

Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa
351 Union Boulevard Totowa, NJ 07512

Treating Ankle Sprains & Strains With Physical Therapy

Ankle Sprain Physical Therapy | Passaic County NJ Physical Therapy

Ankle Sprain Physical Therapy | Passaic County NJ Physical Therapy
Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa, your physical therapists of choice

Ankle sprains and strains are a common injury caused by playing sports or simply being active. Physical therapy can be a great tool to use to promote healing and reduce the time it takes to recover. In addition, physical therapists in Passaic County can help heal chronic recurring ankle sprains while helping you guard your body against future sprains. Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa offers the ankle sprain physical therapy and sports care you need to combat sprains and strains.

Ankle sprains often feel like avoidable accidents, those that happen in a split second and cause pain for days if not weeks. Ice, heat, crutches, wraps, and more come to mind for at-home remedies you can do on your own. The question is, what is the right treatment for your sprain or strain and how do you know if you are doing the right thing?

A general rule of thumb would be to ice your ankle for the first 48 to 72 hours. It is also a good idea to couple this with a compression wrap during the same time frame. This wrap requires a fine balance between too tight and not tight enough, however. If you have any questions you should consult with your Totowa physical therapist. Of course, rest and elevation are techniques to incorporate during these first few days as well.

When your ankle has healed it is important to strengthen the ligaments and muscles surrounding your ankle joint. Ankle sprain physical therapy can help enormously here. Teaching you the tools you need to exercise, stretch, and strengthen your ankle will help guard yourself against future injury. If you get a bad sprain or strain you certainly do not want a repeat performance!


Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa NJ offers an approach based on the functional model and the dynamic use of manual medicine into physical therapy and rehabilitation. We believe that optimal health and performance can be attained through proper stability by enabling correct function via mobility of joints and corresponding muscles.

Tennis Elbow Treatment, Active Release & Deep Tissue Laser Therapy

Tennis Elbow Treatment | Passaic County NJ Physical Therapy

Tennis Elbow Treatment | Passaic County NJ Physical Therapy
Athletes in Passaic County NJ perform better with the guidance of Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa

Tennis elbow treatment involving active release technique and/or deep tissue laser therapy can be extremely rewarding.  Tennis Elbow, lateral epicondylitis as it is scientifically known, is a common injury and one which can be extremely disappointing and painful to athletes.  While originally associated with tennis players, hence the common terminology, the pain can also stem from other activities like cross training for example.  The ailment or injury is a degenerative one, caused by repetitive motion.  Treating tennis elbow through active release technique and deep tissue laser therapy can offer great relief and address this painful condition head-on.  Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa offers non-surgical therapy to ease the pain associated with tennis elbow.

The active release technique for Tennis Elbow Treatment works well addressing the tight and/or inflamed muscles and tendons in the forearm and elbow related to tennis elbow. This technique is a state of the art massage technique that focuses on the soft tissue system and its movement. Our Passaic County massage therapists are well-versed in active release technique and implement it as part of therapy for patients experiencing pain related to tennis elbow.

Deep tissue laser therapy is another great Tennis Elbow Treatment offering a drug-free and surgery-free relief for the pain.  The goal of this technique used as a form of physical therapy is to get the blood flowing in the areas of irritation.  Many people see a decrease in pain within one visit, a welcome relief  to those suffering the pain caused by tennis elbow.  Deep tissue therapy in Passaic County is available through the experienced physical therapists of Elite Spine and Sports of Totowa.

Tennis players who over-train are prone to tennis elbow which signifies the importance of giving the elbow a break.  This is not always easy, however, and high level athletes need to consider an all-encompassing training regime.  Taking care of yourself is an important part of being an athlete.  Let our physical therapists help evaluate your posture and muscular system to ensure that you are doing your entire body the justice it deserves.

Physical therapy is a great way to treat issues caused by overuse or repetitive motions.  Addressing issues in a non-surgical way can be fruitful, eliminating pain and also helping prevent future pain.  Come talk to the specialists at Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa today to learn more about our practice and how we are helping athletes all over Passaic County eliminate pain and perform better.

Contact Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa NJ offers an approach based on the functional model and the dynamic use of manual medicine into physical therapy and rehabilitation. We believe that optimal health and performance can be attained through proper stability by enabling correct function via mobility of joints and corresponding muscles.

Knee Pain Caused by Patellofemoral Dysfunction

Knee Pain Treatment | Passaic County NJ Physical Therapy

Knee Pain Treatment | Passaic County NJ Physical Therapy
Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa, your physical therapy experts

Knee pain caused by patellofemoral dysfunction is irritating but the good news is that it can be treated.  Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa knows how to help you deal with patellofemoral dysfunction with our expertise in knee pain treatment. If you have been feeling increasing pain descending stairs or when squatting your knee pain may improve with some alignment technique and some strength training.

Patellofemoral dysfunction is a fairly common injury dealing with the patella and the femur beneath it.  The patella is the scientific name for the knee cap and it lies in front of the femur.  When the patella is forced against the femur or tracks out of its groove there can be great pain.  Luckily posturing and muscle development can help the patella return to its proper position and therefore eliminate or at least alleviate the pain and discomfort you have been experiencing.

Our Passaic County physical therapists are very knowledgeable with knee pain caused by patellofemoral dysfunction.  The importance of strength training and having quad muscles functioning together and properly is the focus of the treatment.  Given the proper alignment techniques and exercises to build your quad muscles you should be out doing everything you want to be doing to lead and active and healthy life.

Contact our team at Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa today to learn more about physical therapy in Passaic County New Jersey.  We welcome the opportunity to help you face your knee pain, developing a strategy that will get you back to the activity level at which you wish to perform.  Our goal is to help you with knee pain caused by patellofemoral dysfunction as well as with any other physical therapy needs you may have.

Contact Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa NJ offers an approach based on the functional model and the dynamic use of manual medicine into physical therapy and rehabilitation. We believe that optimal health and performance can be attained through proper stability by enabling correct function via mobility of joints and corresponding muscles.

Proper Body Mechanics Essential For Everyday Movements

Proper body mechanics are essential for everyday movements.  A Passaic County physical therapist can ensure that regular routines are done safety, protecting your posture and your muscles.
Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa, your source for physical therapy in Passaic County

Passaic County Physical Therapist| Elite Spine & Sports Care Of Totowa

Proper body mechanics are essential for everyday movements.  A Passaic County physical therapist can ensure that regular routines are done safely, protecting your posture and your muscles.  Knowing how to do common movements correctly is important in order to avoid the pain and discomfort that accompanies lower back pain resulting from poor posture and poor technique.  Whether you are lifting a heavy object or reaching down to pull a dandelion out of the ground make sure that you bend your body in such a way that your muscular system is protected.  An experienced Passaic County physical therapist can show you how to bend, lift, and squat in such a way that you can avoid pain and build strength and good posture.

Squats are a common exercise, building a variety of muscles.  It is necessary to do a squat correctly to maximize the desired outcome but a squat is also something a person may do throughout the day, whether picking something up or getting a task completed.  The question is, do you know how to squat correctly?  One thing to keep in mind for proper technique is tilting your hips toward the front, where your body is facing, while keeping your abs engaged as you go down and up.  The same goes with bending.  Use your legs and protect your lower back by engaging your muscles, sticking your rear out behind you.  Contact our physical therapy office in Totowa for exercise and posture techniques to ensure that you are treating your body the way it deserves to be treated.

Summer has arrived and with it the desire to get outside and get our gardens looking good.  Proper body mechanics while bending over, squatting down, reaching and pulling while doing yard work or other common chores and/or movements can be the difference between discomfort and pain or feeling strong and pain-free.  Learning how to do common motions in a way that will save your body from pain and discomfort is essential.  Contact our team at Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa today for physical therapy in Passaic County that focuses on prevention in addition to attention to correcting pain.

Contact Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa NJ offers an approach based on the functional model and the dynamic use of manual medicine into physical therapy and rehabilitation. We believe that optimal health and performance can be attained through proper stability by enabling correct function via mobility of joints and corresponding muscles.