Acupuncture & Sports Injuries

Acupuncture for Athletes, How Acupuncture can Help with Sports Injuries

Passaic New Jersey acupuncturistsHow Acupuncture Can Help with Sports Injuries | Elite Spine & Sports Care

Acupuncture for athletes is a growing trend.  Many athletes are beginning to learn how acupuncture can help with sports injuries. The Passaic County acupuncturists at Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa are well trained to work with athletes of all types. Our acupuncturists address individual needs, with an eye on easing their pain and getting them back on the field, court or track.

What Is Acupuncture For Sports Injuries?

The technique of acupuncture involves needles being placed along pressure points that access the body’s meridians. When placed, the nervous system senses an injury and begins sending signals to the brain that there is damage. These signals create a biochemical reaction that promotes healing to specific areas. Acupuncture essentially reminds the body that you have an injury, and that it needs to be healed. Because it uses your body’s own chemical reactions, acupuncture is a safe, non-invasive healing technique for treating injuries.

Acupuncture is helpful treating sprains, strains, joint pain, swollen muscles, and muscle aches, among other issues. In fact, acupuncture can also help ward off any of these issues by stimulating the muscles and joints typically strained by an individual athlete’s particular sport. Acupuncture can also increase flexibility for athletes. This is why acupuncture can be seen as a treatment that not only heals but also enables a body to perform optimally.

Sports acupuncture is growing in popularity

Sports acupuncture in New Jersey is growing quickly. Since it has been proven to help trigger the body’s natural ability to heal, it is grabbing the attention of athletes everywhere. With the growing awareness of the issues that traditional pain medicine can cause, athletes are looking for alternatives. Because acupuncture uses your body’s healing mechanisms, these injuries can be healed without the use of pain medication. In addition, Acupuncture has been recognized to help injuries to heal quicker than when treated with other methods.  This non-invasive technique can also be used to stimulate the body for injury prevention as well.

Learn more about acupuncture for athletes from Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa

Contact our team at Elite Spine and Sports Care of Totowa today to learn more about what acupuncture can do to treat your aches and pains. We welcome the opportunity to get you familiar with acupuncture while helping you understand how acupuncture can help you as an athlete. Whether you play a sport professionally, or as an amateur we welcome the opportunity to help you learn more about acupuncture for athletes.