Post-Op Physical Therapy
For a successful recovery after having surgery, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation are necessary. In order to become active after surgery, your body needs to be retrained in mobility. When you have had a repair procedure done to a specific area of your body, it needs Physical Therapy to recover fully and successfully You have a role in this rehabilitation, which can be hard work. Physical Therapy specialists at Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa can design a regimen of exercise to benefit your personal post-op recovery. We offer Physical Therapy treatment after surgery that will get you back to living an active, pain-free life.
Do I Have To Do Anything To Prepare For Post-Op Physical Therapy?
Participating in Pre-Op Physical Therapy will put you in good physical condition before the surgery, and benefit your recovery. At Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa we offer a program of Pre-Op therapy that will lead you toward a speedier, more successful recuperation after the surgery.
What Is Expected From Post Operative Physical Therapy?
Expect hard work and don’t expect immediate results. Recovery from surgery can take time and determination on your part. Our therapists design a comprehensive program for post-op patients. Generally it would focus on the area of the surgery to promote healing, reduce swelling and relieve pain. Rehabilitation adjusts as you recuperate and it would also pinpoint joint mobility, flexibility and strength building.
Pre-Op and Post-Op Therapy Specifically For You!
When surgery is imminent, contact Elite Spine & Sports Care of Totowa to discuss Physical Therapy options for you. Our program of preparation before surgery and rehabilitation after is centered on recovery. Our expertise and experience will help you get back to an active, pain-free life. Call us at (862) 239-1768 for a discussion today.